A deep dive into the wisdom of your body

Inner (Somatic) Presence is your foundation for being adventurously alive—
Tantric Bodywork
Embodiment Coaching (ICF)

of Healing Arts & Pleasure

The Power of Dearmouring has endless possibilities, empowering oneself, and living in deep harmony:

– Connecting with our innate inner wisdom,

– Dissolving our protective layers (armor),

– Releasing stuck energy & emotions,

– Fostering the beauty and joy of life,

– Reclaiming authenticity, empowerment, and full expression.

— A Way of Life!

become your alchemist and reveal your vibrant, authentic self.

deep-core is a profound private dearmouring journey supported by two facilitators.

Oct 3,24-Jan 3,25
authentic sensual awakening online program for women to rediscover and embrace your true sensual self.

the embodied mind is about trusting in our bodies' intelligence and character.

Integrate what you/I think (IQ) with what you/I feel (EQ) and understand the language of your/my body (SQ). — through healing Arts & embodiment Coaching.

Move with life, is my commitment to myself through the process of shedding protective layers to reveal my vibrant, authentic self that lies beneath. Cultivating inner presence involves mindfulness, self-awareness, and practices that connect mind and body.

Working with me, we will explore, delving deeply into your innate body wisdom. All your answers lie within. By developing inner presence, you experience a greater sense of authenticity, emotional balance, and overall well-being and life is just more FUN.

I fuse Tantric Bodywork and Embodiment Coaching, with profound hands-on bodywork like Dearmouring to enhance physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, improve relationships, leadership development and fostering a greater sense of connection.

Love, ÁSTRIÐÚR aka Astrid
Dearmouring & Tantric Bodywork Bodywork, Embodiment Coach

.healing Arts & Embodiment Coaching.

Rise Together

This Group-Work blends bodywork, Tantric and movement practices, breathwork, energy work, kriyas, rituals and meditation.

Embodiment Coaching

When we truelly say YES to our heart, we are safe.
You will unite these two and change your radiancy by getting in touch with what you desire (heart) instead of thinking about what limits you (mind).


Finally, conversations about topics were possible, that were previously too painfull/triggers to talk about. I feel more confident about my relationship with my wife. I am grateful, my panic attacks no longer block me. It needs Astrid´s powerful, wild, empathetic, and mindful energy in the Dearmouring field.
– Tom
What I absolutely adore about this work though is the somatic healing. The somatic awareness... 
– anonym
I realized how healing the phrase “you’re not alone” was for me / is for me. 
– anonym
Receiving transformational Coaching from you is pure magic. 
_ Tove

You see me through my shit, my shadows are allowed, and by doing so, I feel liberated and unarmoured. Thank you for your guidance, support, experience, openness, and empathy. It gives me trust that the best version of the new, authentic 'me' will be born. 
– Veronique
I feel that you helped my body release and regain balance.
– Kasia

09 - 12 JAN 2025
Energetic Orgasm Retreat


Energy-opening, eye-opening, léttleiki, hóliness, sacredness.