A deep dive into the wisdom of your body


With the Art of Dearmouring, a holistic, somatic-sensory experience

The beauty of Body Dearmouring is the endless possibilities to empower oneself.

A Way of Life!

Dearmouring is a way of life—a commitment to ourselves through the process of shedding our protective layers to reveal our vibrant, authentic self that lies beneath. This journey is about more than personal growth. It's about becoming a lantern in a world longing for genuine connections.

What is Dearmouring?

Dearmouring is a profound catalyst, that delves deeply into every aspect of our lives: physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual. The beauty of Dearmouring has endless possibilities to empower oneself:

– Dissolving our protective layers

– Releasing stuck emotions

– Dismantling unhealthy patterns

– Engaging with our shadows

– Opening the gateway to a life unburdened by old pain

– Connecting with our innate inner wisdom,

– Promoting a profound openness to feelings and experiences

– Fostering the beauty and joy of life

– Reclaiming authenticity, empowerment, and full expression

– Reconnecting with our true selves and deeper purpose

Benefits Body Dearmouring
Dearmouring is a co-creational somatic, sensory process in which all power returns to the client—a meeting in a profound, intimate, trustworthy and, loving, caring, respectful way. The shift happens when the body is ready to surrender fully. And the ego-mind lets an undeserving piece die. Unconditional love is the essence in which we meet.

Body Dearmouring is a holistic bodywork practice in which deep pressure is applied to different points in the body, combined with breathwork and a focused awareness of the felt sense in the body. The process can bring up various memories and feelings. In some cases, these memories and feelings may not have been felt or remembered for a long time (even decades) as these have often been stored in the body, in the nervous system, and on a cellular level. During Body Dearmouring, we work with the pain body, which spreads over the entire physical body, including all stored pain and trauma.

In Body Dearmoring, I combine trigger point therapy, energy, breath, sound, and muscle stretching in a shamanic way of working with your body. I invite your body to open up to the pain and expose it. I invite you to breathe into the areas where you feel pain or tension and move until the energy dissolves and disappears. It is a soft method to relax and open your body so the stored blockages, tension, pain, or emotional trauma can be released in a loving and caring way instead of breaking or pushing through armor.

Doing so releases the physical tension and underlying trapped emotions. It can help with getting rid of tension, toxins, and blocks, and release negative memories, beliefs, and emotions. It includes the whole body and helps open up the body’s natural energy pathways so that the healing life force, or sexual energy, can flow unobstructedly through the whole body.

  • More presence and connection in your life

  • Authenticity in your feelings, desires, and self-expression

  • Deeper access to your sexual life force

  • Freedom from unconscious patterns which are a result of armor

  • Greater access to your free will

  • Greater ease in actualizing your potential 

  • More tolerance to pressure and stress

  • A noticeable increase in energy, vitality, and health

  • Dearmouring helps our body release contractions by giving space to release tension, cramps, and emotions

  • Painful areas can be transformed back into pleasure areas

  • It is engaging with the unknown. A path of inner transformation that removes everything between you and God.

It is important to note that the practice of removing so-called armor is not new and has been practiced for centuries by different cultures around the world under different names and variations.

What these practices are based on is that when we are imprisoned in unconscious ways of being, we lose the flexibility necessary for healthy adaptation. So, by interrupting and dissolving our character/body armor, we reinstate our natural energy flow and favor embracing life. 

Tantric Dearmouring
Transcend all I touch into one love.

A tantric dearmouring is received naked. During tantric de-armoring, we can work externally and internally. External de-armoring works with the outside of your body by giving pressure on various body points, like the yaw, the neck, the shoulders, the chest and belly, the legs, etc.

Internal de-armoring works with the throat, the yoni, and the anus. These are the more “advanced” areas for de-armoring. Usually, the most profound trauma is at the base of the body, in the hip area, sexual area, and around the buttocks; these muscles are much easier to reach from within. Internal dearmouring is possible but can only occur after preparation and in good consultation with you as the receiver. Dearmouring in the sexual areas is highly effective for people with sexual trauma, disorders, or lack of sensitivity and numbness.

Another difference between body de-armoring and tantric de-armoring is that I’ll use joy and pleasure to make the physical and emotional pain more bearable during tantric de-armoring. So, instead of just touching the pain, I use charm to increase the life-force energy in your body. Once this energy is increased, the release of pain body energy is carried by life-force energy. During this process, I often notice an expanded awareness of my clients because of the deep relaxation this creates. I gradually and carefully lift the life-force energy as far as you and your body want. When pain and pleasure are increased simultaneously, a more profound process unfolds.

Internal de-armoring is extremely powerful on a physical and energetic level. Physically, you will experience more connection to, and relaxation in, your body. On a sexual level, internal de-armoring removes vast amounts of painful tension or energy that are stored there after unwanted or forced intimacy. It includes any intimate experience where somebody did not respect boundaries or where you did not express yourself. Connecting to this area allows you to give space to all suppressed emotions, words, and movements. A tantric dearmouring does not have to be internal; it can just be external on your body. You decide what your limits are and what you feel ready for.

Hear what others say

Thank you for your presence, guidance, and space in this intimate Lingham Dearmouring session. My sex chakra feels better and more active, and I was able to let go and dissolve old connections on an energetic level. I feel good, and I'm glad I was with you. I'm looking forward to when we can focus on my chest area in the next session.
– Quirin
After receiving a yoni dearmouring from her, I feel empowered and back in my fluid movement. Her loving, caring, and powerful touch made my tensions and pain melt. It was easy to let go of my self-created resistance under her guidance. I feel my body, sensations are alive, and I am feeling the frequencies again more. Exquisite. I'm back home in the body. I have washed by myself.
I trust her because she holds herself - all that she is. She is not hiding—no need to hide. And I could show myself. She met me, and I yielded. Throughout the session, many emotions and memories awakened in me. I could ride through the waves and dance through it all, thanks to Astrid's gentle yet powerful guidance and presence. Thank you.
– Tiina

We are here to live. Feel and pulsate, experience life's essential beauty and joy, and feel alive.

I meet you in my presence with an open, accepting heart rooted deeply in trusting the process, embodied wisdom, apparent integrity, respect, and unconditional love and support.

¥ to step into your rawness
¥ allow yourself to feel truly
¥ grow up by expressing their needs, desires, and boundaries through the power of consent work.
¥ release suppressed emotions.
¥ Liberate and expand from the inside
¥ lay the groundwork for true intimacy
¥ trust your intuition & guts
¥ feel alive
¥ take radical ownership of all behaviors, wants, needs, etc.
¥ stop playing small
¥ re-sensitize your nervous system
¥ heal sexual trauma
¥ step out of pleasing mode, toxic relationships, and co-dependency
¥ connect to your authentic self
¥ by just being you

pleasure awaits
behind pain—

Transformation/metamorphosis happens when we go from the dark to the light. This path can be long, and it is not a shortcut. Spiritual bypassing and gaslighting contain the lie to ourselves. For this, mindfulness and willingness to grow in consciousness are ongoing on our path to self-acceptance and self-empowerment. However, this inner transformation happens when our body and being are ready.​​

Love is communication with our true selves and the rhythm of nature—

Allow nature to heal. Healing is a deep trust in ourselves—confidence in our bodies' intelligence and character. Shine, live authentically and follow your soul's purpose. Express yourself fully, live, and lead from the heart. Love expresses itself through you. Simply by being.

Allow any face of letting go is the key to unleashing healing in the body—

  • Armor builds as protection from painful life experiences, childhood trauma, everyday stress, derogatory thought patterns, cultural, social, and societal programming, conditioning, fears, ancestral trauma, karmic pain, violence, abuse, etc. Anything controlled by survival, fear.

    Energetic armor creates resistance, numbness, and stagnation within us. We switch off and separate, and our physical ailments can become physically manifest. We refuse to live fully.

  • By gently melting this energetic armor, one becomes softer and gentler. The nervous system relaxes. Vitality and energy flow more freely within us again. Physical pain resolves old mental blocks to disappear and decondition ourselves. We discard old programs, patterns, and beliefs that we no longer need on the path to our empowerment. We return to our bodies. Our inner child, the purest part of our soul, our core, receives attention. We take full personal responsibility for ourselves, stepping out of the victim-perpetrator principle circle. We see clearly. This gained softness and acceptance allow us to connect with our core, essence, soul, and spirit.

  • A session can include all body parts: Internally and externally. The gentle, slow, and energetic touch melts the being from within no forcing or pushing.

    Internal parts include Throat, Yoni/Vulva, Anus, and Lingham/Penis.
    External parts can include: Face & Throat, Back, Chest, Belly, Pelvic Floor, and Ligaments.

    Internal work is only done if and when your body and being is ready and comfortable with it.

    Dearmouring may evoke sensual and sexual feelings, but it is not a sexual service. It is a process of self-development and growth, but not a substitute for therapy.

  • The body reacts in many different forms of expression when releasing tension. Emotional Release - Tears, laughter, anger, sadness, fear, images, and old memories can surface. These memories are stuck in the subconscious as well as the conscious layers of your body.

    The unraveling of the process can take days to months as old programs, and patterns fade away and your true essence emerges. Everything that unfolds during a session is confidential. I fully respect your privacy.

  • These sessions are suitable for anyone over the age of 18. Only absolutely feeling healthy people are welcome to the private session! Not suitable at:

    ❖ pregnancy
    ❖ acute mental illness
    ❖ taking antidepressants
    ​❖ taking psychotropic drugs
    ❖ active state of trauma or psychosis
    ❖ nerve problems (e.g., epilepsy)
    ❖ fresh surgical intervention.

  • Everything in you is welcome.
    In this mindful co-creational process, in a safe and protected framework, I am in Service for you.
    We clarify in consent your intention before the session and end in smooth slow integration and the possibility to share your experience.

    Your limits and boundaries are respected. Your privacy is accepted.
    There is no goal to achieve or to perform. All your experience is treated confidentially.

  • Linen/towels are changed after each client.

    You are welcome to discuss all details with me personally!

  • Individual session: 3 hours = 300.- CHF

    This price refers to external/internal Dearmouring. Inner bodywork takes place after three treatments at the earliest or by arrangement!

    Special Package: Three sessions of 3 hours each = 800.- CHF

    (redeemable within six months from booking)

    3 hours are, from my experience, a good - relaxing & profound period for a session. Sometimes it goes longer, sometimes a little shorter - depending on what may open and show.

    If you already have experience in the field of Dearmouring and conscious bodywork, it is possible to book a 2-hour session.

    It is also possible to book a 2-hour session = 200.- CHF