a powerful 3-step sexual healing process that awakes and unleashes sexual energy..

Sensual Activation Process

A powerful 3-step sexual healing process

The Sensual Energy Activation process includes Tantric Breathing, Tantric Dearmoring, and Tantric Yoni massage.

When working with our energetic body, there may be areas where you feel stuck. Emotions and trauma can be stored in your body. Our bodies become tense, contracted, and energetically blocked keeping us from experiencing the joy of pleasure. These unconscious defenses can be referred to as sexual armouring.

Once released, you may feel varying emotions and memories that accompany the stuck energy. It is best to let it out naturally so that your body can become an open channel for positive energy to freely flow through.

Why sensual Energy Activation?

1: Tantric Breathing

It may feel pretty normal to hold one’s breath as one nears orgasm, but this can undermine the sensation. This can be a natural reaction from nervousness, excitement, and the need to be quiet to not disturb anyone or anything else, but holding one's breath causes the body to tense up.

Take your time, be patient with yourself, keep your mind open, and permit yourself to release. When you make this a regular practice in your life, all the pleasure you experience - whether sexual or not - will be enhanced. All it takes is your breath.

2: Tantric Dearmouring

Tantric Dearmoring helps release chronic tension generated by shame and guilt, unconscious sex, years of not listening to your body and not having clear and set boundaries.

It is intense but profoundly healing bodywork focusing on the external erogenous zones around the body to clear out fear-based emotions stored in the tissue.

It enhances sensuality, and vitality and helps sexual energy flow freely to experience the depths of your full body orgasmic potential.

3: Tantric Yoni Massage

Tantric Yoni Massage can shape and even reshape a woman’s life in many ways. Besides helping her to find spiritual clarity, it can have a massive healing effect on the body as well as provide a natural antidote to a variety of common women’s health problems and sexual dysfunctions. The benefits of Yoni massage encompass the elimination of various blockages, including physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and sexual.

Hear what others say

I want to share my gratitude for you in teaching me to run the energies. I’ve had some powerful self-love sessions where I can touch my stomach below my belly button and the energies instantly come flowing strongly. That spot is my Sacred Spot, and which I identified during the Sacred Spot ritual. Thank you again for your power! 
– Anonym
I learned so much about my energy field. 
– Louise